Something is going on in Lagos and it will be big courtesy Johnnie Walker. There are hot ladies all kitted up in nice looking F1 jumpsuits literately stopping traffic with their strides. Passersby were taking pictures and having fun watching the team of ladies doing their thing and obviously having a good time while at it and they put up quite a show! All of these ladies were accompanying a very dapper looking Striding Man.
Keep a lookout! When you meet any of either the Striding Man and the girls or the race cars parked at the mall, take a picture and share using harshtags #imnotdriving #stepup2vip. Continue...

Keep a lookout! When you meet any of either the Striding Man and the girls or the race cars parked at the mall, take a picture and share using harshtags #imnotdriving #stepup2vip. Continue...

Join the conversation on www.facebook.com/johnniewalkernigeria , Johnnie Walker may hook you up! you never know..
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